Why learn to Crochet


Some very good reasons why a knitter should learn. Nope you are not at the wrong site, this is the knitting site. Most of us take time to learn every little thing that we can about knitting except for the C word, Crochet. Now before you run for cover I’m not asking you to convert, I just wanted to point out several good reasons how crochet can actually enhance your knitting projects. One of the best reasons I can think of is to expand your mind but did you know that you can actually use a crochet hook to bind off? Believe it or not it is fast, easy to learn, and very versatile. Actually you should really include at least one crochet hook in your knitting bag at all times to pick up or even correct dropped stitches. I learned how to crochet first but never did I even think of using a crochet hook for that purpose. Of course later I figured it out and it sure makes it a lot easier to do with a crochet hook and yes I did spend hours trying to use my knitting needle to fix my mistakes. It certainly can be done with a knitting needle but once you use that crochet hook, I promise you won’t want to use your knitting needle to fix it. You can also use it to cast on with, which creates a very nice edge, or you can add a nice contrasting color single edge to your finished project. Crocheted motifs pieced together can add a little pizzazz to cuffs, necklines, hems and even the middle or yoke of any sweater. Have you ever finished a project and just can’t seem to find the right button to match it? By just learning how to chain and single crochet, you would be able to make your own. Think of the infinite possibilities that would open up to you. Free Form or scrumbling is fast becoming a very popular technique because of the ability to use up all of your small bits and pieces of yarn. It can be done using knitting alone, but add some “fairy wings” (crocheted) and “bullions” (crocheted) and you will certainly have a one of a kind piece of art. Please stop by Learn to Crochet to help you get started on the basics.

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