Tips for Writing Your Own Patterns

Write Your Own Patterns

Have you ever wanted to write your own crochet patterns? I have searched and searched for information on what to do first and found very little information on this subject. I was beginning to think that there was a really big secret on how to write down your own pattern and that secret must have been passed down from only the very talented. My first attempt failed because I actually completely forgot how I made the pattern and I really thought that I would remember if I wrote it down right after I finished it! Here are a few suggestions on how you can get started. It really isn’t as hard as you think; it basically is a matter of sort of training yourself to write down in detail EXACTLY what you are doing. If possible get a buddy that also crochets to read over your written instructions. Before you get started, purchase a pentel (or similar) pencil , a 6 X 9 steno notebook, and last but not least the really big eraser. Keep these items with you at all times so that you can change or record your pattern. Start out very small. Make a single crochet square, triangle, rectangle and write down how you did it. Then try a pair of slippers, placemat, or a rug for practice. Try to get into the habit of recording things in order each and every time; this will help you avoid leaving important information out. This is the order I use but please feel free to customize the list to suit your needs. 1. Your hook size 2. Type of yarn (save the label) 3. Gauge by stitches and rows (yes you need to make one) 4. Abbreviation meanings (try and use the standard crochet abbreviations) 5. Pattern stitch, if you are making your project with an unusual stitch it helps to explain at the beginning of the pattern. 6. How to decrease, Increase, how to add yarn, how to end the row, if beginning ch 3 counts as 1st dc, basically any kind of unusual information needed for the pattern 7. Use ROW instead of Round 8. Don’t forget to put your numbers on your rows (row 1, row 2 etc.) 9. If you are not sure on how to word something, write down several versions and go back to it later. 10. Make your explanations as short as possible (only if you plan on submitting your patterns for publishing) 11. Try to be consistent, if you start out using the abbreviation sc make sure you use it through out your complete pattern.

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