The hat pattern does say to spray with shellac but I might suggest if you do that make sure you have enough time for it to air out because the spray does smell. You can substitute the millinery wire for floral wire for the brim of the hat.
Headsize 22 Materials: Clark´s O.N.T. (5 balls) or J. & P. Coats (3 balls) Mercerized Crochet, size 30, color 9 Yellow. Milward´s steel crochet hook No. 7 2 yds millinery wire and 2 yds. of ribbon.
Crown Beginning at tip, ch 10, join with sl st to form. ring. 1st rnd: * Ch 10, s c in ring, repeat from * until 24 loops are made, then ch 6.2nd rnd: Sc in 1st loop, * ch 5, sc in next loop, repeat from * around, ending with sc under ch 6 of previous rnd.3rd rnd: Ch 5, s c in each loop with ch 5 between scs.4th rnd: * Ch 3, 5 dc under next loop, ch 3, sc in next loop, ch 4, sc in same loop, repeat from * until 12 5 d c groups are made, then ch 3, sc in next loop, ch 5, sc in next loop, ch 2, s c in first dc of 5 dc group. 5th rnd: Ch 5 (to count as tr and ch 1), tr in each of next 4 dc with ch 1 between each tr, * ch 4, sc in next ch 4 loop, ch 4, tr in each dc of group with ch 1 between each tr, repeat from * around. After last group of trs is made, ch 4, s c in next ch 4 loop, ch 4, sl st in 4th ch of ch 5 first made.6th rnd: Ch 6 (to count as tr and ch 2), tr in each tr with ch 2 between trs, but omitting ch 2 between groups (that is between last tr of one group and 1st tr of next group). After last tr, join with sl st in 4th ch of ch 6 first made and sl st to 1st tr.7th rnd: * Ch 5, sc under next ch 2 sp, repeat from * around (do not make scs between 2 trs that come together without ch 2 between), ending with ch 5, sc in 1st loop.8th rnd: * Ch 3, 5 dc under next loop, ch 3, sc in next loop, ch 5, sc in next loop, repeat from * ending with last sc in ch 3 first made. 9th rnd: * Ch 4, tr in each of next 5 dc with ch 1 between trs, ch 4, sc in ch 5 loop, repeat from * ending with sl st in 4th st of ch 4 first made. 10th rnd: Same as 6th rnd, ending with sl st in 4th st of ch 6 first made.11th rnd: Same as 7th rnd, ending with ch 5, sl st in 1st loop.12th rnd: Same as 8th rnd. 13th rnd: Same as 9th rnd. After last group of trs is made, ch 4, sl st in 4th st of ch 4 first made.14th rnd: Same as 6th rnd.15th rnd: Ch 5, sc under next ch 2 sp, ch 5, skip next 2 tr, sc under next ch 2 sp, ch 5, sc under next ch 2 sp, * ch 5, skip next 2 tr (that are together), sc under next ch2 sp, ch 5, skip next 2 tr, sc under next ch 2 sp, ch 5, sc under next ch 2 sp, repeat from * ending with ch 5, sc in sl st. 16th rnd: Ch 5, sc under next ch 5 loop, then repeat from * of 8th rnd. After last group of dcs are made, ch 3, sc under next ch 5 loop, ch 6, skip next loop, sc under next loop.17th rnd: Same as 9th rnd. After last group of trs is made, ch 4, s c under ch 6 loop.18th rnd: Ch 4, tr in each tr with ch 2 between trs, but omitting ch 2 between groups (as in 6th rnd). After last tr, join with sl st in 4th st of ch 4 first made. 19th rnd: Same as 15th rnd, ending with ch 5, sc under 1st ch 5 loop.20th rnd: Same as 8th rnd. After last group of dc is made, ch 3, sc under next loop, ch 5, sc under next loop. 21 st rnd: Ch 4, tr in each of next 5 dc with ch 1 between trs, then repeat from * of 5th rnd. After last group of tr is made, ch 4, sc under next loop. 22nd rnd: Same as 6th rnd, but end with sc in 6th st of ch 6. 23rd rnd: Ch 4, and make 2 tr under each ch 2 sp and 1 tr in each tr. Join with sl st. Do not break off. Brim. 1st rnd: * Ch 6, skip 2 tr, sc in next tr, repeat from * around. 2nd rnd: Ch 5, sc under next loop, then repeat from * of 8th rnd of crown, around.3rd rnd: Same as 9th rnd of crown. 4th rnd: Same as 6th rnd of crown. After last tr, join with sl st in 6th st of ch 6 first made. 5th rnd: Same as 7th rnd of crown. 6th to 12th rnds incl: Repeat from 8th to 14th rnds of crown incl.13th rnd: Sc in each tr and 2 sc (and sometimes 3 sc to keep work flat) in each sp. 14th and 15th rnds: Sc in each sc. With thread double work a rnd of sc holding along wire and working over it so that it is completely covered. Fasten wire neatly. Break off. Sew ribbon band inside of crown adjusting headsize. Starch hat or use white shellac and block. Trim hat as in illustration.
Materials: Clark´s O.N.T. (5 balls) or J. & P. Coats (3 balls) Mercerized Crochet, size 50, color 9 Yellow. Milward´s steel crochet hook No. 8 or 9.
Left Hand Beginning at wrist, ch 82 to measure 6 inches, turn. 1st row: D c in 7th ch from hook, ch 3, skip 2 ch, d c in next, ch 3, skip 2 ch, 5 d c in next, ch 3, skip 2 ch, s c in next, ch 5, skip 2 ch, s c in next, ch 3, skip 2 ch, 5 d c in next, repeat from * until 8 groups of 5 d c are made. Ch 3, skip 2 ch, d c in next, ch 3, skip 2 ch, d c in next ch, ch 6, turn. 2nd row: Tr in next d c, ch 3, * tr in each of next 5 d c with ch 1 between trs, ch 4, s c under ch 5 loop, ch 4, repeat from * across. After the last group of 5?tr, ch 3, skip next d c, tr in next sp, ch 2, tr in last sp, ch 6, turn. 3rd row: Tr in tr, ch 2, * tr in each of next 5 tr with ch 2 between trs. Repeat from * across omitting ch 2 between groups of tr thus having the last tr of one group and the first tr of next group come together. After last group of 5 tr, ch 2, tr in next tr, ch 2, skip 2 ch, tr in next ch. Ch 5, turn. 4th row: D c in next tr, ch 2, d c in next tr, ch 3, * skip next tr, 5 d c in next tr (this is the center tr of 5 tr group), ch 3, skip next tr, s c in next sp, ch 6, skip 2 tr (which come together), s c in next sp, ch 3, repeat from * across ending to correspond with beginning of row. Ch 6, turn. 5th to 9th rows incl: Repeat 2nd, 3rd and 4th rows. Then repeat again 2nd and 3rd rows. At end of last row, join with sl st to beginning of row (thus closing up opening), hereafter work in rnds. 10th rnd: Sl st to Ist tr, ch 5, skip next sp, d c in next sp, ch 3, skip next tr, 5 d c in next tr, ch 3, skip next tr, s c in next sp, and work across as in 4th row until the last group of 5 d c is made, then ch 3, skip next tr, s c in next sp, ch 5, skip 1 sp, s c in next sp, ch 3, 5 d c at the joining point, ch 3, s c in next sp.11th rnd: Ch 4, and work in pattern as before to 18th rnd incl. End and begin each rnd in such manner that shell patterns come directly over shell patterns as previously done.
Shaping for Thumb: Try on glove with opening at center of palm of hand. Place a safety pin on palm and back of hand separating thumb from hand (thumb to be worked on later). 19th and subsequent rnds: Attach thread in sp at pin on palm side, ch 10, s c in sp at pin at back of hand, and work in pattern around. Starting 2 5 d c shells over ch 10 (8 groups of shells in all). Work in pattern around and around the hand part of glove over 8 shells until when tried on it reaches to the base of fingers. Fingers: Put glove on and mark fingers by putting a safety pin on palm and back of hand between each finger. Forefinger: Attach thread to sp at pin on palm side between forefinger and middle finger. Work in pattern across to same pin on back of hand, ch 3, cross over to palm side, s c in sp at pin, and continue pattern in spiral until length desired. It is better not to have fingers too long. Draw tip together by making 2 rnds of s c. Break off. Middle Finger: Attach thread to sp at pin on palm side between ring finger and middle finger, work pattern across finger and around, over the 3 ch and back of hand to same pin, ch 3, cross over to palm side, work in spiral and complete as for forefinger. Ring and Little Fingers: Same as forefinger and middle finger. Thumb: Attach thread to sp at palm side of hand and work as for forefinger.
Gauntlet 1st rnd: Attach thread at opening point on foundation ch at wrist. Ch 3, skip 1 sp and dc, * 5 dc in next ch st, ch 3, skip next 5 dc shell, sc in next loop. Ch 5, skip sc, sc in next loop. Ch 3, skip next sc, repeat from * spacing work so that 11 5 dc groups are made, then ch 3, sc in 1st st of ch 3 first made. 2nd rnd: Ch 5, *tr in each of next 5 dc with ch 1 between each tr, ch 4, sc in ch 5 loop, ch 4, repeat from * around. After the last tr, ch 4, sc under ch-5 loop. 3rd rnd: Ch 5, * tr in each of next 5 tr with ch 2 between groups of trs (thus having the last tr of one group and first tr of next group come together). After last tr, ch 2, skip next loop, dc in next loop. 4th rnd: Ch 5, sc in next sp, ch 4, skip next tr, 5 dc in next tr, * ch 4, sc in next tr, ch 5, sc in next tr (hereafter the 2 trs coming together are counted as 1 tr). Ch 4, 5 dc in next tr, repeat from * around ending with sc under ch-5 loop, ch 5, sc under next loop. 5th to 17th rnds incl: Repeat 2nd, 3rd and 4th rnds. Finish opening with 1 row of sc with 2 ch-loops on one side of opening for buttons. Sew buttons on opposite side to correspond. Right Hand: Make the same as for left hand, only being careful that the fingers are made to correspond with the right hand.
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