Thanksgiving Cornucopia with Indian Corn and squash

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays and I always get irritated when the stores seem to just pass it by. This year I am not going to let that happen, all this month I will be posting a different pattern every week so that you can make your very own cornucopia. We will make several different types of squash and a piece of Indian corn. Materials for the cornucopia: Size H hook, 7 inch metal craft ring, 4 oz of any shade of brown yarn & a marker

Row 1: ch 4, 7 dc in 4th ch from hook, join to form a ring Row 2: ch 3 (this does not count as 1st dc) fpdc(front post double crochet) around 1st dc and in remaing 6 dc, join to 1st fpdc. Row 3: ch 3 (this now counts as 1st dc) fpdc around 1st fpdc of previous row, *dc in top of next fpdc, fpdc in same stitch(increase made) repeat from * to * around , join. Row 4: ch 3, *fpdc in 1st fpdc, dc in next dc, around join. Row 5: ch 3, dc in same st, *fpdc around next fpdc, 2 dc in next dc * repeat from * to * around, join. Row 6: ch 3, dc in dc’s, fpdc in fpdc Row 7: ch 3, 2 dc in next dc,* fpdc in next fpdc, dc in next dc, 2 dc in next dc, repeat from * to * around, join Row 8: ch 3, dc in dc’s fpdc in fpdc. Rows 9 – 22: Repeat rows 7 & 8 having one more dc between fpdc(you will be increasing a total of 7 stitches per row) until you have 10 dc between each fpdc. Row 23-24: repeat row 6 Row 25: Place 7 inch craft ring in front of your work (crochet is closes to your body) ch 1, * insert hook into next stitch and under ring, yo (this will go over the top of the ring) pull through stitch, yo pull through both loops on hook*, repeat from * to * all the way around ring, join, ring is now attached to your horn. Edging: ch 1 , *sc in same stitch, trc in next stitch * repeat from * to * around.

Indian Corn

I’m going to tell you how this whole idea came about, I was in Walmart and I happen to pass by the beads and there it was, one little package of #345 Americana Multi pony beads. For some reason I suddenly thought those are the colors of Indian corn. Then I went to the yarn to pick up some yellow and there they all were the fall colors and the ideas just flooded my little head. I started out just with the idea of Indian corn and then the rest followed, ok now you know I am not a sane person but honestly this is how most of my ideas come to me at the spur of the moment. Indian Corn 1 package of #345 Americana Multi pony beads 1 3 oz skein of Red Heart color 0220 Cornmeal Size H hook marker I picked out all the reds, oranges, and a few black beads, string them all onto your yarn before we begin, You should have 83 beads but as a safety measure I always string on 2 extra beads just incase. Do not join rounds, use a marker to mark beginning of each row. Ch 2, 3 sc in 2nd ch from hook. Row 1: 1 sc in each sc Row 2: 1 bsc (bead single crochet) in each sc Row 3: 2 bsc in each bsc, total of 6 bsc Row 4 – 14: 1 bsc in each bsc Row 15: *ch 30 sc in next sc repeat from * 5 more times, end off leaving a long tail. Wrap the long tail tightly as possible just above the last bsc row made (this gathers all the ch 30’s to look like the husk)

Striped squash

1 3 inch styrofoam ball or batting for stuffing size I double ended hook 1 3 oz skein of Red Heart color 0391 Artichoke 1 3 oz skein of Red Heart color 0313 Aran starting with artichoke, ch 17, skip 1st chain from hook, pull up a loop in next 16 ch, push all loops down to other side of hook turn. Attach white, remove loops on hook, put loops back on hook turn. Using artichoke remove loops, put loops back on. Continue until you have 17 rows of artichoke and 16 rows of aran. With aran, remove loops off of hook, stretch piece around styrofoam ball , using aran slip stitch to beginning artichoke row, end off aran leaving a long tail. Weave aran through top pull tight to close up end, finish off. End off artichoke leaving a long tail, weave artichoke through opposite end pull tight to close up finish off.

Bumpy Squash

I know that the names of the patterns are not that creative but they are original! 1 3 inch styrofoam ball or batting for stuffing Size I afghan hook 1 3 oz skein of Red Heart color 0368 paddy green Size 10 thread white **1 strand of white size 10 thread and 1 strand of yarn are held together through out*** Row 1:ch 15, work Tunisian simple stitch, Row 2: Pull up next 2 stitches, *work bobble in next stitch as follows: (yo insert hook into next st, yo and draw loop through)3 times, yo and draw loop through 6 loops on hook, booble made. Pull up loop in next 3 stitches, repeat from * to end of row. Row 3: Remove loops Row 4: *work bobble in 1st stitch, pull up a loop in next 3 stitches, repeat from * to end of row. Repeat rows 2 to 4 , 5 times, then repeat row 2 & 3 once. Stretch around Styrofoam ball, sew last row to row 1. Thread a piece of yarn through one end, pull tight, finish off repeat for other end.

Pointy Squash

1 3 inch styrofoam ball or batting for stuffing Batting for stuffing Size H hook 1 3 oz skein of Red Heart color 0368 paddy green 1 3 oz skein of Red Heart color 0245 orange to mark beginning of each round, place marker in last sc of each round. With green, ch 2, 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook. Row 1: 2 sc in each sc (12 sc) Row 2: *sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc repeat from * around (18 sc). Row 3: *sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc repeat from * around (24 sc) Row 4: *sc in next 3 sc, 2 sc in next sc repeat from * around (30 sc) Row 5: *sc in next 4 sc, 2 sc in next sc repeat from * around (36 sc). Rows 6 – 8: work even, at end of row 8 attach orange. Row 9: ch 3 (count as 1st dc) dc in remaining 35 sc, join to top of 1st dc. Row 10: ch 3 , dc in next 4 dc, fpdc in next stitch, *dc in next 5 dc, fpdc in next stitch repeat from * around. Row 11: ch 3 , dc in next 2 dc, decrease one dc (yo pull up loop in next dc, yo pull through 2 loops on hook, yo pull up a loop in next dc, yo pull through 2 loops on hook, yo pull through 3 loops on hook) fpdc in next fpdc stitch, *dc in next 3 dc, decrease, fpdc in next fpdc stitch repeat from * around. Insert Styrofoam ball now. Begin to stuff as necessary with batting as you complete the following rows. Row 12: ch 3 , dc in next 3 dc, fpdc in next stitch, *dc in next 4 dc, fpdc in next stitch repeat from * around . Rows 13 – 16: repeat row 11 until there is only 1 dc in between fpdc. Rows 17 – 21: ch 3, *fpdc in next fpdc stitch, dc in next dc, repeat from * around. Row 22: Work 1 fpdc in each fpdc. End off leaving a long tail, thread through top pull tight.

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