I’m Back

What happened was I was moving to a cheaper web host and the other one got a little uppity and actually deleted all my files SOOO I had to do some digging to get copies of all the files, pictures etc. AND finding the time to start over. I have been thru this a couple of times so I’m getting smarter but not overly smart about websites. Thank Goodness for WordPress and for those of you that create awesome themes for us to use. I am finally at a point where I can put it all back up and of course there will be new things and added things. I really want to make YouTube lesson videos as it’s the new thing to do. Please do not expect me to be like the others, I may make videos in my PJ’s and I won’t always be wearing fashionable clothes because at this point I’m lucky to find my shoes hahahahaha. Thanks for hanging with me as I get back after it to provide you with some good content.